Python Resources
- A computational notebook that allows for easy code development
- Also available as part of Anaconda Platform
Virtual Enviornments for Jupyter
- Virtual environment allows each project to have an isolated environment with required dependencies
- Explains algorithms and provides code examples
scikit-learn algorithm visualization
- Visual overview of classification, clustering, regression, and dimensionality reduction techniques
- DataFrame examples and DataFrame methods
- Provides overview of pandas capabilities with examples
- examples of merging, joining, and concatenating dataframes
- Code examples for many types of plots
- Plots are very customizable
- Plots should have x axis labels, y axis labels, titles, and legends if applicable
Other Tools & Tutorials
Creating Accessible Presentations
- Animations (including slide transitions and GIFs) can trigger nausea, headaches, dizziness, and seizures
- High contrast font and do not use color as only differentiator
- Define everything and at least occasionally spell out acronyms
ColorBrewer: color advice tool for plots
- Can filter by colorblind and photocopy safe color schemes
Dr Chris Marten’s Tips for Reading Papers with ADHD
- “ADHD manifests very differently for different people”
- Tips include tending to your enviornment, clarifying your intention, preprocessing, and conversing
- Online collaborative LaTeX document creator for academic papers
- Most conferences and journals will have a template to use
- There are many math symbols for creation of mathematical equations
- Can set citation key at the start of the BibTeX entry
- Add BibTeX entries to the BibTeX database and then cite with the key in the LaTeX document
- Specify bibliography style with a single command
- BibTex entries are available for all articles on Google Scholar
- May be able to get access to article full text through academic institution
- Can find more recent related papers with the cited by link
- 6 parts: overview, unknown, approach, results, takeaways, implication
- Commands to add, commit, and push files in git
- Used to schedule jobs on cloud computing clusters
- Examples at the end demonstrate how to request resources
Mental Health Numeric Facts From the National Alliance of Mental Illness
- Over 20 percent of US adults experience mental illness
- Less than half of US adults with mental illnesses recieve treatment annually
- “The average delay between onset of mental illness symptoms and treatment is 11 years”
- Great examples of infographics
- Annual survey of undergraduate and graduate students focusing on mental health
- Useful reports released with overview of mental health on campuses
- Include select all that apply, don’t know, prefer not to answer, and/or self-identify options to be inclusive
- Collect detailed responses and then aggregate as needed for analysis or participant privacy
Respectful & Inclusive Language
- Black and African American are not interchangeable terms
- Latinx (gender inclusive version of Latino/Latina) and Hispanic are not interchangable
- Avoid using the term minority when referring to people from diverse backgrounds
Directory of Women+ in Technology Policy
- Women+ captures all underrepresented genders
Respectful Disability Language
- Linguistic preferences: people-first language vs identity-first language
- Avoid offensive descriptors like lame or crazy
- Gender, biological sex, gender expression, and sexual orientation are different
- Gender and biological sex are not binary
- Biological sex words include female, male, and intersex
- Gender words include woman, man, nonbinary, etc
- Queer is reclaimed word that can refer to sexual and gender identities that are outside of heteronormative assumptions
- Do not force people to out themselves by asking for pronouns in group settings
- People may use different names and pronouns in different contexts
- There are many pronouns and some people may use multiple pronouns
- Not everyone uses pronouns
- Gendered language can be exclusive
- Microagressions are intentional or unintentional communications that create unfriendly environments for members of margenalized groups
Podcast Reccomendations
- The Quadcast discusses mental health in academia from a research perspective
- Grad Chat discusses “maintaining mental health and balance in grad school”
- Voices of Academia provides a platform for academics to talk about mental health in academia
- Amplify Voices involves conversations with nationally-renowned leaders
- People I (Mostly) Admire is a Freakonomics podcast interviewing a wide array of guests
- No Stupid Questions is a Freakonomics podcast where a journalist and a research psychologist ask each other challenging questions
- NLP Highlights discusses recent research in natural lanaguage processing
- The Professor Is In for all things PhD from grad school applications to job applications
- Hello PhD includes “late-night conversations about life and lab”
- Embodied covers intimate topics about health and wellness
- The Happiness Lab discusses the science behind happiness